Fall - Winter 2011

Your reporter: John Ratto

Buon Giorno:

Following is a recap of what transpired in the second half of 2011. Hopefully, reading about these juicy happenings will prompt great memories, and spur you towards attending more events in 2012. Sounds like a most excellent New Year's resolution to me.

July through November: Formula 1 at Siena Grill
Although Sebastian Vettel ran away with the driver's championship, it was a season of exciting racing. New tire supplier Pirelli was charged with providing tires that would 'spice' things up, and they certainly succeeded. To be honest, Fernando Alonso made the most of a mediocre car, while Felipe Massa was not so proficient at making do with less. Attendance at Siena Grill was somewhat sporadic throughout the year, but all who attended were pleased with the company and the food. Give it a try.

July 28 and November 9: Board Meetings
Future events, including the annual Christmas party were planned, and the financials were reviewed. All FCA members are invited to attend Board Meetings - come and see how the other half lives!

August 6: Oil and Filter Change Promotion at Penske-Wynn
Some members got a great deal. See the web site for this year's 'discount day.'

August 17 - 21: Monterey Historic Races and Pebble Beach Concours
Another weekend in heaven - a heaven I couldn't afford, but heaven nonetheless. This is YOUR chance to live, albeit for a moment, like those 1 percenters you read about in the news. Do it once before you can't.

September 22: Social at Due Forni
The first social after the summer break was well attended and everyone seemed quite happy to get reacquainted. A bevy of Ferraris graced the parking lot, and the delicious pizzas graced out tummies.

September 24: Show at the Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings
Jeff Wenger handled the early shift, and several other members took over from there. Both shifts reported having a good time hanging out with the locals and bikers.

September 24/25: Track Days at Spring Mountain with the PCA
Many thanks to the Porsche Club of America for again inviting us along to test our mettle against this fabulous ribbon of asphalt outside Pahrump. If you haven't yet driven your stallion on a track, these events are the best (and cheapest) opportunities you will likely have…so, do it.

October 9: Concours at Siena Deli and Restaurant
Antonio, Kumiko, and the staff at Siena put on another great event. The weather was perfect and the turnout of Italian machines was large. And it was the gift that kept on giving: I used the gift certificate to help finance a wonderful dinner at Siena a few months later, and the complimentary t-shirt has attracted attention every time I have worn it.

October 16: VIP treatment at the IndyCar season finale
What started out as a great day (police escort to the track at triple digit speeds anyone?) for the benefit of a worthy cause turned into a bummer when a massive crash took the life of Dan Weldon. Those who attended (there were quite a few) thank Bob Bruderman for his herculean efforts to make this all come about and hope for a better outcome should it all happen again.

October 21: Diabetes Association at Lamborghini of Las Vegas
This event was well attended by both the public and FCA members. Tom Brazil (club member and major domo at the dark side..er, Lamborghini Las Vegas) displayed many interesting Lambos, including their new supercar, the Aventador, which is a stunner. The excellent wine and conversation were stimulating, and reports indicate that a sizable amount of money was raised for this deserving local charity.

October 27: Special Dinner-Social at Southern Highlands
Although the later than normal date, which meant that dark arrived sooner than in previous years, may have had a damping effect on the turnout, this was another excellent event. The dinner was delicious, and the beautiful cars on the lush green lawn were the perfect appetizer. We must again thank our hosts, Ted and Arlene Schlazer and BNY Mellon for making this possible.

November 13, 2011: Drive to the Red Rock Area
After viewing the GP at Siena and chowing down on a delicious brunch, many members drove out to the Red Rock Canyon Loop. While the initial pace was leisurely and featured several stop to enjoy the unseasonable warmth and beautiful scenery, the second half of the drive was, shall we say, a bit more spirited. Luckily, it was a one way road with no traffic on a holiday weekend, despite free entry into the park. At the exit from the park, we went our separate ways…as nonchalantly as possible. One member was overheard saying, "I want to get out of here before the cops show up."

December 10: Annual Christmas Party at Barrymore's
Well, this turned out to be a very nice evening. This place has old-style swank, and the food was great. So was the turnout…we filled the room to overflowing. 2011 may not have been the best of years, but we certainly sent it packing in style.

December 17: Santa's Toy Run
The FCA, along with many other car clubs, provided a strong turn out, much to the delight of the tremendous number of kids in attendance. Also strong was the generosity exhibited, as the kids were able to give thanks for a multitude of gifts ranging form skateboards to bicycles. Well done for a worthy cause.

Well, so much for the re-cap of what happened during the final 6 months of 2011.

On another note: Several members have discovered that there are significant advantages to registering their cars in Montana. While the FCA does not sanction such shenanigans, we hereby provide a phone number to call for information should you desire: 877-913-5100
